Wednesday, November 21, 2012


BrE = British Inggris         AmE = Amerika Inggris     ScotE = Skotlandia Inggris

Hare lip , cleft lip
-  Bibir sumbing

Make mark, tick, check list
- Buat tanda benar

Never darken my door again
-  Never come to my house again

Pooch (AmE)
- a dog

Want in
- mau masuk
Eq. – The dog wants in.

Want out
- mau keluar
Eg. – The dog wants out.

- berternak tanpa kandang
Eg. – Freerange pig.

Pig in the middle, piggy in the middle
-  permainan bola dimana satu pemain berada di antara dua pemain lainnya dan mencoba menangkap bola dari antara pemain lainnya.
Eg. – The children like to play pig in the middle.

How long ago?
-  sudah berapa lama itu?
Eg. -  A: My father has gone away.
          B: How long ago?

Strongarm methods
- pakai otot
Eg. – The strikers used the strongarm methods against the police.

-  start first
Eg. – England waged war on France.

Grocery (BrE)
Grocery Store (AmE)
- Grosir

Complain, Gripe, Beef, Grouse, Grumble, Grizzle(BrE), Moan and Groan, Grouch
- mengeluh
- dengan hati-hati sekali
Eg. – He opened the box gingerly and looked inside.

Groan with
- penuh dengan
Eg. – The table is groaning with food.

Pillow talk
- percakapan mesra antara sepasang kekasih
Eg. – I like to have a pillow talk with my wife before sleeping.

Feel sick (BrE) = mau muntah
Feel sick (AmE) = feel ill
Feel to my stomach (AmE) = mau muntah

He is sick (AmE) = dia sakit
He is ill (BrE)       = dia sakit

- pujaan hati
Eg. – You are my heartthrob.

- perasaan cinta atau iba yang kuat
Eg. I have a heartstrings for you.

- Orang bodoh yang menjengkelkan
Eg. – don’t be such a git! I hate it.

CS  gas, tear gas
- gas air mata

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind
- Terkadang kamu harus kejam untuk kebaikan orang.

Act up
- bertingkah buruk
Eg. – My dogs like to act up when they see children.

Addled, perplexed, confused
- bingung
Eg. – Don’t be addled.

Addled egg
- telur yang sudah tidak segar lagi

Teetotaller (BrE), Teetotaler (AmE)
- orang yang tidak minum alkohol
Eg. – I am a teetotaller.
Hearty (hanya sebelum kata benda)
- bersahabat (friendly)
Eg. – A hearty welcome.

Gossip, Scuttle-butt (AmE), hearsay, romour
- gosip

Delicious, Scrumptious, delectable, palatable, tasty
- enak, lezat

- kamar buat cuci piring, dll

- tidak pintar
Eg.  – She is not very dim.

Frisk, Stripsearch
- menggeledah badan untuk mencari senjata
Eg. – The guards frisked every person who entered the pub.

Glutinous rice
- ketan

- orang rakus makan

- lelaki dewasa tanggung

Strobe light
- lampu disko, lampu kelap-kelip

- tukang kaca, jendela kaca

- ngambek
Eg. – Don’t get stroppy with me!

- sangat mahal
Eg. – That meal is a real gyp.

Hang somebody up, string somebody up, lynch
- mengantung mati orang.

Alone wolf (idiom)
- orang yang mau menyendiri
Eg.-  She is an alone wolf.

- sebentar (= moment)
Eg. – See you in mo!

Informer, Stool pegion, Grass, Super grass, Spy
- mata – mata
Eg. – We have to plant a spy in that company.

Do it to me one more time
-  beri aku kesempatan satu kali lagi

 I am still I was
- Aku masih seperti yang dulu.

As is
- apa adanya
Eg. – I will buy your Tv as is

What care you!
- apa pedulimu!

Who are you anyway?
- emangnya kamu itu siapa?

- orang yang suka menelanjangi dirinya sendiri untuk cari perhatian

Gratuity, Tip
- uang tip

Grasping, Greedy
- serakah

- ceker ayam

Parson’s nose, Pope’s nose
- buntut ayam

Dredge something out
- mengungkit –ungkit
Eg. He likes to dredge the problem out.

- bahan pembicaraan yang menyakitkan
Eg. – We have to avoid the sorepoint everytime we talk.

Drop names
- anggar nama
Eg. Boys like to drop names just to show how strong they are.

Stray bullet
- peluru nyasar

Grave situation
- situasi serius

- besar, tinggi dan kuat
Eg. – a strappling lad.

Lad (=boy)
- anak laki-laki
- sangat terkejut hingga tak bisa bicara lagi
Eg. – I was gobsmacked when she told me the news.

God willing
- insya Allah

- pengeliling dunia

- berkilau-kilau

Twilight, Dusk, Gloaming (ScotE), Night fall, Sunset
- senja, waktu senja

Day-break, Dawn, Sunrise, First light
- pajar, waktu pajar

Sad, Feeling blue, Despondent, Heavy heart, Lonely, Gloomy, Long face, Downhearted, Desperate, Heartbroken
- sedih, perasaan sedih

After my own heart
- kekasih hati, dambaan hati
Eg. – The woman after my own heart.

Lose heart to = fall in love with
- jatuh cinta
Eg. – I lose my heart to you.

Glue snipper
- orang candu ngelem
Eg. – A lot of kids become glue snippers nowadays.

On your uppers
- lagi bokek-bokenya
Eg. – I am on my uppers now.

Go slow (BrE),  Slow down (AmE)
- pelan-pelan

Silly, stupid, dumb, gormless, dippy, wally, foolish, crass, goofy, dimwitted, dorky
- bodoh, paok

GPA = Grade Point Average
- IP = Indek Prestasi, nilai rata-rata
Eg. – He graduated with GPA 3.8

Goof, mess around, screw up
- ngaco
Eg. – Sorry guys, I goofed.

- memegang pantat orang
Eg. – Jack goosed her as  she reached for a file.

Goose pimples, goose bumps, goose flesh
- merinding

Up for grabs (idiom)
- tersedia bagi siapa saja

- berjalan sesuka hati  di jalan raya

- orang yang berjalan sesuka hati

As one
- serempak
Eg. – Say it as one students!

Beat off, jerk off, wank off, play with yourself
- maturbasi, onani

Duff, dud, useless
- tidak ada gunanya, rusak
Eg. – He sold me a duff radio.

- suka menolong orang
Eg. – You are so accomodating.

- ramah dan suka berteman
Eg. – I am not an affable man.

Acquired taste
- tak kenal maka tak sayang

Ache, homesick
- rindu kampung halaman, pingin pulang
Eg. – I am aching for home.

- pembelot

- berdentang
Eg. – The colck chimes five times.

Jiggery pokery
- perbuatan curang

Checkered flag (AmE), The chequered flag (BrE)
- bendera yang bercorak seperti papan catur dalam perlombaan

Level, be honest
- jujur
Eg. – Just level with me.

Parking brake (BrE), Handbrake (AmE)
- Rem tangan

Chockfull, completely full
- sangat penuh

Jitters, Nervous, Anxious
- grogi
Eg. – I always get jitters before exams.

On the rebound
- waktu lagi sedih dan bingung setelah putus bercinta
Eg. – I am still on the rebound

Grow on
- mulai menyukai
Eg. You grow on me ( = I start to like you)

Choppy water
- air yang bergelombang kecil-kecil

Chopping board (BrE)
Cutting board (AmE)
- telenan, papan tempat memotong

Grow back
- tumbuh lagi

- coklat (= chocolate)

- buaya ( = crocodile)

- lapar (= hungry)

- masalah (=problem)

- suka memilih, pemilih (= picky)

In  the buff
- telanjang (= wearing no clothes)

Return favor
- balas budi

Vocational school

Grub’s up
- makanan sudah siap
Eg. – come on guys! Grub’s up

- makanan (=food)

- panggilan ejekan untuk orang Inggris

Packed lunch (BrE), Bag lunch (AmE)
-  bungkusan makan siang

- pakaian (= clothes)

- turun
Eg. – Do not alight from a moving bus.

- di alam terbuka, di luar
Eg. – It’s an alfresco party.

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