Fall in.                   
Bentuk barisan.
- soldiers! Fall in!

Stand at ease!     
 Istirahat di tempat, gerak!

Siap gerak!

Get the dragon.    
Halitosis – nafas bau
- oh boy! You’ve got the dragon.

Don’t fall a part.
Jangan goyah.

Sudah dihingapi lalat
- Flyblown food.

Cross your finger,pray.
- What we can do just cross our finger now.

Pria yang lagi kasmaran.
- See that! John is a swain,he’s falling in love now.

Katrok, orang kampungan.
- What a poor heyseed!

Perempuan yang suka mengomel, judes.
- My girlfriend is a fishwife.

Sleep – tidur.
- It’s late, I want to kip.

Double dutch .    
Bahasa atau kata – kata yang susah untuk dimengerti.
I don’t see what you say, that’s really a double dutch.

Dutch courage. 
Keberanian yang datang setelah minum atau mabuk.
- I’ll have a couple of drinks to give me Dutch courage.

Jangka lama hidup
-  The human lifespan.

Better half.   
Belahan jiwa.
- Dina.. you’re my better half.

Membenci, memandang hina.
- He despised himself for being selfish.

Ever so.          
Easy – sangat.
- She’s ever so beautiful.

Orang yang tidak bisa diselamatkan lagi.
- I thought that i was a goner.
Crime scene      
TKP. Tempat kejadian perkara.

Cold steel          
Senjata tajam.

Catch a wind.  
Cari angin. Jalan – jalan.
- It’s Saturday nite, let’s catch a wind!

Same different.   
Sama saja, tidak ada bedanya.
- That’s all same different to me.

Toothy smile     
Tersenyum dengan gigi yang kelihatan.
- The girl gave me a toothy smile.

Sangat mudah
- That’s an easy-peasy question.
Pesta pora
- We had a bit of a knees-up last night.

Pronto = quickly.
- Go get him, pronto!

Double bind   
Seperti memilih buah si malahkama.Pilih yang mana saja salah.
- Students are caught in a double bind between unemployment and cuts in education.

Tahanan seumur hidup.
- The man is a lifer.

Afternoon coverage.
Liputan siang.
- I was wacthing the afternoon coverage when you called me.

Mengangkat topi sebagai rasa hormat.
- The manager doffed his hat to her

Loathe, dislike.
Sangat tidak suka.
- They loathe each other.

To be crossed
- he had been crossed in love.

The morrow.
- I’ll go the morrow.

First fruit
Hasil pertama
- This is my first fruit after three years work as a teacher.

Money minded.
Mata duitan.
- don’t go with Ferry, he’s money minded.

Sifat orang yang suka berkomentar akan sesuatu yang tidak penting.
- Johnny is a finicky eater.

Mata merah.
- After three hours browsing on the net i got my eyes bloodshot.

Sebutan kepada orang yang kamu benci.
- I hate you, toerag!

Tidak asik
- A hard, dour, humourless fanatic

Just for fad
Untuk iseng – iseng saja.
- I do it just for fad.

The Big Apple
Kota New York
- I have a dream to live in the Big Apple.

Mother hen.
Orang yang terlalu peduli pada orang lain hingga jadi sangat menjengkelkan.
- Stop it! You’re just like a mother hen. I can do it myself ok!

Orang caper, suka cari perhatian orang.
- She’s a cutup, especially in the class.

Love and hate = benci tapi cinta

Greasy spoon
Wartek, warung nasi kecil
- It’s very cheap to eat in that greasy spoon.

- She gets stroppy easily.

Clever clogs, clever dick.
Sok tahu, sok pinter.
- She’s such a clever Dick, you can’t tell her anything

You bet = yes
- Do you like her? You bet man.

Kept woman
Istri simpanan.
- He has a kept woman somewhere.

Roving eye.
Mata keranjang.
- Maria’s husband is kind a roving eye.

Crash course
Kursus kilat
I must take a crash course in Japanese.

Sangat miskin
- an indigent man.

Membuat atau menciptakan kata – kata baru.
- Teenagers like to coin words nowadays.

Speed hump, speed bump, sleeping policeman (BrE).
Polisi tidur
- This road has too many speed bumps.

Fall back, retreat.
- Soldiers!  Fall back!

Zone out
- Stop zoning out! Get to work!

Cut dead
Cuek bebek
- Anne was cut dead at the party last night.

Give it up.
- Ladies and gentelmen! Give it up! .........

Makanan atau minuman khususnya makanan ringan.
- I need refresments here.

Sangat bagus.
- That’s bang up! I love it!

Istirahat sebentar
-  We had breather after playing succer and went home afterwards.

Dig in
Mulai makan
-  Help yourselves every body, dig in!

Set book
Buku atau bacaan untuk bahan ujian
- I think I will study the set book before the examination.

Bawah sadar
- My subconscious fear

Makanan penutup
- Everyone in the party enjoyed the afters very much.

Durian runtuh, keberuntungan yang tiba – tiba datang.
- Their victory was a bit of a fluke

In situ
Pada tempatnya.
- Her guests were all in situ.

Prezzie, pressie. 
Kado biasanya hadiah untuk ulang tahun
- A birthday card and prezzie for Chris.

Ken = know
Mengetahui, tahu.
- They kenned nothing aboit it.

Meddler, nosy parker, busy body
Orang yang suka mencampuri urusan orang lain.
- Stop being meddler! I really hate that.

Grass root
Orang bawahan
- Never level the poor as grass roots.

Mickey mouse
Terlalu mudah
- It’s just a mickey mouse job.

Suka berbohong
- A mendacious child.

Litterbug, litter lout (BrE)
Orang yang suka buang sampah sembarangan.
- This town has a lot of litterbugs.

Without further ado
Tanpa panjang lebar lagi..
- Ladies and gentelmen,without further ado ......................!

- To walk with stilts.

Main jingkat, engklek
- I used to play hopscotch as a child.

Be caught short, be taken short.
Kebelet mau buang air besar.
- Those caught short in the store will have to pay £1 to use the toilets.

There is nothing to it
Sangat mudah
- Worry not boys! There’s nothing to it.

Gratis , tidak pake duit.
- A monthly programme was issued gratis.

Nothing but, only
- I want nothing but you.

Terkenal karena kejahatannya
- He’s notorious for his womanizing.

Anak yang punya orang tua satu berkulit hitam dan satu berkulit putih.
- Dion is a mullato.

Terlalu mudah bilang maaf, menjemukkan, memuakkan, munafik.
- The press are embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation

Penurut, baik.
- She brought her meek little husband along.

Talk is cheap
Bicara itu mudah
- You think it’s easy, talk is cheap bro!

Suka berubah – ubah
- A fickle friend.

Talking point
Pokok masalah
- Let’s get to the talking point!

Menutup, mengakhiri sebuah acara.
- We conclude a meeting with a pray.

To be compromised
- We have been compromised, it’s better for us to go away.

- I try to muffle the sound of the clock.

I tell you what.
Begini saja.
- I tell you what, it’s better for us to go to the market first and to the beach afterwards.

You can say that again, I’ll say, don’t I knew it = I agree
Saya setuju.
- A: can we just stop and find some refreshments?
  B: yeah... you can say that again.

- My stories were greeted with derision and disbelief.

What say you?
Apa pendapatmu?
- What say you john about all of it?

Sugar daddy
Tua – tua keladi
- Your father is a sugar daddy, isn’t he?

Orang yang sukanya gratisan.
- Deddy is such a freeloader.

Down under
Australia or New Zealand
- Take a flight down under in September.

Banyak cakap, omong.
- An especially mouthy eleven-year-old.

Make a monkey face at
Mengolok – olok, mengejek.
- Don’t make a monkey face at me!

Bicara manis.
- Detectives sweet-talked them into confessing.

You know what?
Kamu tahu tidak?
- Hey.. Andre, you know what?

Pelayan, tukang buka pintu
- The footman is waiting for the guest.

New man
Lelaki rumah tangga. Lelaki yang mengerjakan perkerjaan wanita.
- He is the epitome of a new man, leaving the office to arrive home in time to bath his daughter

Memungkiri, tidak mengakui.
- Lovell’s rich family had disowned him because of his marriage.

At a loose end
Lontang lantung, tidak punya tujuan.
- Why don’t you stay to eat, if you’re at a loose end?

Kiss of life = artificial respiration.
Nafas buatan.
- Just give him a kiss of life!

Come again = I beg your pardon.
Maaf, kamu bilang apa?
- Come again sir? I don’t catch what you just said.

Hobson’s choice
Tidak ada pilihan lain cuma tinggal satu pilihan.
- Take it or leave it, cause it’s a hobson’s choice.

 Be a talker than a doer
Lebih banyak bicara dari pada melakukan
- He’s more a talker than a doer.

Kiprah, gaya berjalan
- I never like your gait.

- His disposition is ever so bad.

Gofer, dogsbody, gopher.
Kacung, pesuruh.
- He had worked his way from a gofer in the front office to general manager.

Jangan bergerak! Diam di tempat!
- Freeze! You are under a rest.
Let’s talk over coffee
Mari berbicara sambil minum coffee.

Hear out
Dengarkan dulu baru berbicara
- Please hear me out! Don’t interrupt me like this.

- The dirt clings to my shirt.

Scapegoat, fall guy.
Kambing hitam
- He will be a scapegoat if he doesn’t get out of that company.

Faith healing
Penyembuhan melalui doa atau keyakinan.
- Some believe the faith healing but some don’t.

Crave for
- My wife is craving for manggos.

Dead to the world
Tertidur pulas
- When going home from work I found him dead to the world.

How come
Bagaimana mungkin
- How come I can’t see what you say?

Flat broke
Sangat bokek, tidak punya uang.
- It’s been for four days for me not to go to the movie, i am flat broke.

Share and share alike
Bagi sama rata.
- We all share and share alike in camp.

Used your head, use your loaf.
Pakai akalmu
- Use your head and don’t be so stupid.

Benar, iya
- A: I got a lot of friends at the party last night?
 B: Word?
 A: Word.

All present and correct
Semuanya sudah hadir, ada.Tidak ada yang tertinggal.
- OK guys, all present and correct!

-There are a lot of buskers  in the town like this.

Admit defeat
Mengaku kalah
- After searching for an hour, she finally had to admit defeat.

Buy = believe
- Don’t buy his story.

Mengasihani diri sendiri
- He seems to be wallowing in self-pity.

Booger, boogey.
Upil, tahi hidung.

Brerencana, merencanakan
- Premeditated murder.

Wajah merona
- She blushed at the unexpected compliment.

pipe down
Kecilkan suaranya, jangan terlalu ribut.
- Pipe down, will you, I’m on the phone

Nothing doing
Tidak bisa, tidak boleh.
- A: Can you lend me $100?
  B: Nothing doing man!

What’s the damage? = how much is it? 
Berapa harganya?
- What’s t the damage for this meal?

Stand corrected.
Terima kalau lagi salah.
- Yes, you are right! I stand corrected.

Dead loss
Orang yang sudah tidak ada artinya lagi.
- I am just a dead loss now.

Black Maria
Mobil tahanan, mobil penjara.
Stand somebody up
Buat janji palsu
- She threw eggs over his car after he stood her up.

Jingkrak – jingkrak, biasanya saat menonton conser rock.
- The boys began to mosh, slamming shoulder to shoulder with abandon

Pengemis, peminta-minta dengan membawa mangkuk.
- The panhandler did his action along the road.

Over the counter
Dijual bebas
- Over-the-counter medicines.

Bau busuk
- The putrid smells from the slaughterhouses.

On tap
Siap sedia kapan saja.
- Trained staff are on tap from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

On the level = honest
- Eddie said my story was on the level.

Terlalu percaya diri.
- We were young, brash, cocky—we knew everything

Return favor
Membalas budi
- She’s very kind to me and I don’t know how I will return favor.

Berseri – seri
- You look radiant.

Memberi upah
- They should be remunerated fairly for their work.

Mabuk kepayang
- He’s been a moonstruck since he knew Tinny.

Saving club
- My mother goes for the saving club every Saturday.

Swot, grind
Orang yang menghabiskan waktunya untuk belajar.
- Kids swotting for the test.

Pelet, ramuan yang bisa bua torang jatuh cinta.
- Be careful, he likes to use philter in going after the girls.

Turn on the waterworks
Mulai menangis
- She is an expert at turning on the waterworks to manipulate others

Hati – hati sekali biar tidak rusak ataupun berisik.
- He opened the box gingerly and looked inside.

Give up the ghost.
Mati, meninggal dunia.
- My grand father gave up the ghost when I was still in my mother.

Gratuity = tip
Uang tip
- The guest always give the gratuity to the bellboy.

- Mr Otto is a defector in the party.


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