Fuss - budget (Inggris Amerika)
- Orang yang cenderung kuatir akan sesuatu yang tidak penting.
eg. - Their mother is a fusspot.
Pong = A strong unpleasant smell.
- Bau yang tidak menyenangkan.
eg. - What's that pong?
Ponderous = Too slow and careful
- Terlalu pelan dan hati-hati.
eg. - He spoke in a ponderous voice.
Ponce = Homosexsual
- Homo
eg. - Don't you know that Tommy is a ponce?
Pommy, Pom = British person
- Orang inggris
eg. - I met a lot of poms in the party.
- Gelandangan yang suka mabuk.
eg. - My father is a wino.
Fuss over somebody = To pay a lot of attention to somebody.
- Sangat memperhatikan orang.
eg. - The Form teacher should fuss over the students in the class.
Ring pull (Inggris British)
Pull tab (Inggris Amerika)
- Benda yang seperti cincin pada minuman kaleng yang kita tarik saat kita ingin meminumnya.
eg. - .Just pull the ring pull and you're ready to drink it
- Orang yang banyak pengetahuan tentang segala hal.
eg. - Just learn everything and then you'll be a polymath.
- Wabah penyakit.
Dire straits = Very difficult situation because of lack of money.
- Keadaan sulit karena kekurangan uang.
eg. - The factory is in dire straits.
- Sepotong
eg. - A wedge of watermelon.
I am not fussy = I don't care
- Saya tidak perduli
eg. - A: Where do you want to go for a lunch?
B: I am not fussy.
- Teman seiman dalam agama kristen.
eg. - Donnie is Amy's quacker.
Grand = Thousand
- Ribuan
eg. - I need a two grand for buying a new car.
Buck = Dollar
- Dollar
eg. - It costs five hundred buck.
- Hantu dari orang yang telah meninggal.
eg. - The Workers always see an apparation of his mate.
Straight = Normal
- Normal
eg. - I am straight not a gay.
- Lumbung
eg. - Just put all the rice in the grannary.
High places
- Terkenal, tersohor, penting.
eg. - I know some frinds in high places.
Paper tiger
- Menurut omongan saja hebat padahal tidak sebetulnya.
eg. - His Power just a paper tiger.
- Sungguh, benar-benar.
eg. - A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Forthnight = Two weeks
- Dua minggu
eg. - The teachers will have a meeting for forthnight.
Onus = Responsibility
- Tanggung jawab
eg. - The children will be my onus if my wife goes to work.
- keahlian
eg. - Language is not my forte.
- Akan datang
eg. - The forthcoming election.
Friendly fire
- Terluka oleh teman sendiri.
eg. - I got a friendly fire.
- Tanpa temen
eg. - I am friendless here.
Slave over a hot stove = Cook
- Memasak
eg. - My mother is slaving over a hot stove now.
- Orang yang suka gratisan
eg. - I cannot stop being a freeloader among my loaded friends.
Potato, Spud, Tater (slang), Tattie (Inggris Scotlandia)
- Kentang.
eg. - Do you fancy spud?
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