Sunday, June 10, 2012

Choose the best word for the description.

1. _____ = a disturbance of normal functioning, a condition in which things are not in their expected places
disorder  inorder  misorder  reorder  unorder 

2. _____ = a lack of harmony, a disagreement and unpleasantness between people
misharmony  disharmony  unharmony  reharmony  inharmony 

3. _____ = a lack of patience; irritation with anything that causes delay
inpatience  unpatience  irpatience  dispatience  impatience 

4. _____ = a lack of respect, especially for God or religion
mispiety  dispiety  unpiety  impiety  inpiety 
This exercise is brought to you by

5. _____ = a longing for something better than the present situation
incontent  ilcontent  miscontent  discontent  uncontent 

6. _____ = an inability to read, ignorance resulting from not reading
disliteracy  illiteracy  imliteracy  misliteracy  unliteracy 

7. _____ = breaking up a military unit by transfers or discharges
deactivation  disactivation  inactivation  reactivation  unactivation 

8. _____ = doubt about the truth of something, a rejection of belief
misbelief  disbelief  unbelief  inbelief  desbelief 

9. _____ = dryness resulting from the removal of water
dehydration  mishydration  unhydration  dishydration  rehydration 

10. _____ = incapability of existing or occurring, an alternative that is not available
despossibility  dispossibility  impossibility  inpossibility  irpossibility 

11. _____ = morally objectionable behaviour
dismorality  ilmorality  immorality  inmorality  unmorality 

12. _____ = relieving pressure, restoring compressed information to its normal form for use or display
uncompression  recompression  discompression  descompression  decompression 

13. _____ = the quality of having an inferior or less favourable position
disadvantage  iladvantage  inadvantage  misadvantage  unadvantage 

14. _____ = the quality of lacking strength or power; being weak and feeble, an inability to copulate
inpotency  dispotency  omnipotency  impotency  unpotency 

15. _____ = the quality of not moving or not able to move
unmobility  inmobility  immobility  dismobility  remobility 

16. _____ = the state of being out of favour, a feeling of dislike or disapproval
unfavour  imfavour  infavour  misfavour  disfavour 

17. _____ = the state of being tense and feeling pain, an uncomfortable feeling in some part of the body
uncomfort  recomfort  incomfort  discomfort  ilcomfort 

18. _____ = the state of unlawfulness by virtue of violating some legal statute
unlegality  irlegality  illegality  imlegality  dislegality 

19. _____ = the status of being born to parents who were not married
dislegitimacy  illegitimacy  imlegitimacy  inlegitimacy  unlegitimacy 

20. _____ = writing, print or handwriting that cannot be read
inlegibility  illegibility  dislegibility  mislegibility  unlegibility 

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