Saturday, June 9, 2012

Kira – kira, sekitar.

1.     Approximately
- The trip will take approximately three hours.

2.     About
- This car costs about $15000.

3.     Give or take
- The repairs will cost $300, give or take a few dollars.

4.     More or less
- How much will it cost, more or less?

5.     Or so
- The club needs fifteen or so to start.

6.     Or thereabouts
- Your uncle must be 50 or thereabouts.

7.     Roughly
- Profits have fallen by roughly 10%.

8.     Round about
- I will earn round about $ 1000 this month.

9.    Somewhere around
- It costs somewhere around $100.

10.  Somewhere in the region of
- She earns somewhere in the fegion of $340.

Semua kata – kata yang menyatakan ‘kira – kira’ atau ‘sekitar’ diatas  digunakan pada tulisan ataupun percakapan.About adalah yang paling umum digunakan dan approximately adalah yang paling formal.

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