Thursday, June 14, 2012


Fall flatFail completely to produce the intended or expected effect
- Gatot = Gagal total
eg. - His jokes fell flat.

Smart PlayMain Cantik

Flat footed (Ingrris Amerika) = Not prepared for what's going on.
- Tidak ada persiapan terhadap apa yang terjadi
eg. - They were caught flat footed by attack.

Flea market = Market that sell secondhanded goods
- Pasar yang menjual barang-barang bekas
eg. - Better go to flea market and find some cheap stuff.

Egregious = Extremely bad
- Buruk sekali
eg. - An egregious thing to do.

- Lantai papan
eg. - I really like a floorboard house.

Floating voter
- Pemilih tak jelas
eg. There were a lot of floating voters in the last general election.

- Lagi mabuk kepayang karena sedang jatuh cinta.
eg. - He is moonstruck and difficult to talk with.

Moonlight flits
- Lari malam, kabur 
eg. - Our neighbour did a moonlight flits just to avoid the debt collectors.

full face = With all the face visible
- Dengan muka penuh/jelas
eg. - I just want to see her full face.

Full marks
- Ponten seratus, nilai seratus
eg. - Full marks to you for your brilliant ideas.
       - She got full marks in the exams.

Full = Full up
- Kenyang
eg. - No more for me thanks, I am full up.

Full = Fat
- Selain penuh atau kenyang ''Full'' juga bisa berarti gemuk
eg. - You look full in that jeans Tom.

Floozy = Floozie
- Wanita yang punya teman kencan pria yang banyak
eg. - Don't trust her, she's a floozy.

- Penghargaan
eg. - The song is a tribute to late Mr Bobby.

- Biasanya ''The late'' yang berarti almarhum
eg. - The late Mr Bobby.

Form = Class
- Selain artinya bentuk, ''Form'' juga bisa berarti kelas.
eg. - Who is your form teacher?

Admit = send
- Selain artinya mengakui, ''Admit juga bisa berarti Mengirim, membawa.
eg. - He's been admitted to hospital.

Divest = Remove clothes
- Membuka Pakaian
eg. - The old man divested himself of his jacket.

Gussy up = Dress up
- Mendandani
eg. - The shopkeepers gussied up their window displays.

- Berkumur
eg. - Forget not to gurgle after brushing your teeth.

Floret = Flower part of some vegetables
- Bunga dari tumbuhan sayuran

Bloomer = A large male kangaroo
- Kanguru jantan yang besar
eg. - Have you ever seen a bloomer?

Grouch = Person who complains a lot
- Orang yang suka mengeluh
eg. - It's so bothering to go with a grouch.

Chicken blood
- Keturunan pengecut
eg. - Never call me a coward anymore, I am not a chicken blood.

Gusto = Enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something
- Bersemangat dan penuh intusias dalam melakukan sesuatu
eg. - They are singing with gusto.

Punch = Ginger ale, ginger drink
- Bandrek, minuman dari jahe
eg. - I like having a cup of punch at nights.

Giddy = Dizzy
- Pusing
eg. - When I looked down from the top floor, I felt giddy.

Girl Friday = A girl or a woman who is employed in an office to do several dirferent jobs helping other people.
- Office girl
eg. - I am not your girl Friday, so don't boss me around!

Boss around
- Menyuruh - nyuruh
eg. - Don't boss me around! I don't like that.

- Suka menyuruh-nyuruh
eg. - Dinnie is a kind of a bossy girl.

A gusty morning
- Pagi hari yang berangin
eg. - This morning was so gusty.

Catch a breath
- Ambil nafas, tarik nafas
eg. - Hold on man! I've gotta catch a breath.

Gibberish = nonsense
- Omong kosong
eg. - Stop talking gibberish boy! just tell the truth.

Git ( British slang) = A stupid or unpleasant man
- Orang bodoh atau orang yang tidak menyenangkan
eg. - Stop being a git! that's no good of you.

Divine intervention = Help from God to change or improve a situation
- Bantuan dari Tuhan untuk mengubah sesuatu
eg. - What we need here is just a divine intervention.

Panda car = Small police car
- Mobil sedan polisi yang berwarna hitam putih
eg. - Can you see the panda car over there!

Bottom up = Drink up
- Menghabiskan (minuman)
eg. - Bottom up your drink and let's go!

Swot (Inggris British)
Grind (Inggris Amerika)
- Orang yang suka belajar keras/ menghabiskan waktunya untuk belajar.
eg. - I will be a swot when the test time draws near.

Busybody = Nosey parker
- Orang yang suka ngurusin urusan orang lain
eg. - I hate a busy body like you.

- Selain jus, '' juice'' juga berarti memeras
eg. - Just juice the orange!

Wimp = A person who is not strong, brave or confident
- Orang lemah, penakut
eg. - Don't hurt him! just let him go! he's just a wimp.

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