Thursday, June 14, 2012


What would you say to these people ? Use 'should' or 'need to' to give advice.

1. I don't know what color to choose for the house.
2. I don't know the way to the museum.
3. My brother is always late for work.
4. There is illegal racing on the main road.
5. My younger brother has started smoking.
6. I am worried about the exam.
7. I do not know how to do the Maths question.
8. I am putting on too much weight.
9. I saw two boys fighting in the toilet.
10. I do not have enough money to pay for my school fees.
1. You need to consider your options and choose the best color.
2. You need to refer to a map.
3. You should tell him to wake up earlier.
4. You should report it to the police.
5. You should advise him against it.
6. You need to calm down and worry less.
7. You should ask the teacher.
8. You need to watch your diet.
9. You should inform the headmaster.
10. You should speak to the school counsellor.

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