Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The sentence below has a blank space. Choose the word or phrase that makes the sentence meaningful and
1. Shikibu Murasaki, who wrote almost a thousand years ago, was one of the world’s ____ novelists.
a. most early
b. too early
c. more early
d. earliest

2. The Chang children ____ their parents by making sandwiches for the whole family.
a. helped out
b. helped with
c. helps for
d. helps to

3. As demonstrated by his last album, which was released after his death, Ibrahim Ferrer ____ one of the most
beautiful voices in Latin music.
a. had
b. have
c. have had
d. having

4. After we saw the play, we had different opinions ____ Jane’s performance.
a. about
b. at
c. for
d. towards

Each problem contains one or two sentences followed by a question. Choose the correct answer to the

5. Elena found a tomato that was much bigger than all the others in the garden.
How did the tomato compare to the others in the garden?
a. It was the smallest.
b. It was not very large.
c. It was larger than some.
d. It was the largest
6. When the popular entertainer canceled her appearance, the Latin American festival was postponed
When will the festival likely take place?
a. Tonight
b. Tomorrow
c. Next week
d. Many weeks later

7. Janet is never late to meet her friends, and sometimes arrives early.
Which best describes Janet?
a. Lonely
b. Punctual
c. Talkative
d. Tardy

8. Bram Stoker is best known for his classic horror novel Dracula, which was published in 1897.
What did Bram Stoker do?
a. He was a doctor.
b. He was a merchant.
c. He was a writer.
d. He was an engineer.

9. Exhausted from her transatlantic flight, Judy could not stay up past 9 p.m.
What did Judy do at 9 p.m.?
a. Leave work
b. Come home from the airport
c. Lose her enthusiasm
d. Go to bed

10. This semester many students are enrolled in a new course, African Dance, which is being taught by a firsttime
instructor, Sheila Duncan.
How long has the university offered the African dance class?
a. For a short time
b. For many years
c. For an entire school year
d. On and off for a while

Answer Key
1. D, 2. A, 3.A, 4. A, 5. D, 6. D, 7.B, 8. C, 9.D, 10. A

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