Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Balm = Calm/Relaxed
- Tenang dan nyantai
eg. - It's a balm to me.

Bang-up = Very good
- Sangat bagus
eg. - It's a bang-up game to play.

Not break the bank = Not cost a lot of money
- Tidak mengabiskan banyak uang
eg. - The lunch won't break the bank.

- Biasa
eg. - Banal remarks.

- Kata-kata, omongan
eg. - I don't like your remarks about me.

Wall to wall 
- Itu - itu terus biasa untuk acara tv
eg. - It's a wall to wall Tv sport coverage.

Gel (Inggris British)
Jell (Inggris Amerika)
- Jell
Gem = The best
- Yang terbaik
eg. - This picture is a gem (= the best) of the collections)
       - She's a real gem

Bar = Except for
- Kecuali
eg. - The students all attended, bar two who were ill.

 Bar none
- Tanpa pengucualian, tak ada taranya
eg. - It's the best result we've ever had, bar none (none was better)

Barf = Vomit
- Muntah
eg. Don't barf on my shoe.

Barge in
- Menerobos, masuk saja
eg. - He barged in on us while we were having meeting.

Your bark is worse than your bite
- Omongan besar saja tidak ada isinya

Barking mad = Completely crazy
- Gila total, betul-betul gila
eg. Those gilrs are barking mad.

Barmy = Slightly crazy
- Agak gila
eg. Young boys look barmy nowadays.

Woo = Try to get support of somebody
- Mencoba mendapat dukungan dari seseorang
eg. - Voters were wooed with promised.

The heaven opens = It begin to rain heavily
- Mulai hujan deras
eg. - When on the way home from the campus, the heaven opened.

Toilet, WC, Restroom, Loo, Lavatory, Can, John.
- Kamar mandi, kakus.

Gen = Information
- Informasi
eg. - I have a gen on the war.

Heavy-hitter (Inggris Amerika) = A person with a lot of power
- Orang kuat/berkuasa dalam bidang politik atau bisnis.
eg. - John's uncle is a real heavy-hitter in Las Vegas.

Barring = Except for
- Kalau tidak
eg. - Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.

Off base = Completely wrong
- Benar-benar salah
eg. If that's what you think, you are way off base.

Have a bash = Have a try even not sure
- Mencoba walau tidak yakin berhasil
eg. - I am not sure that I'll be any good but I'll have a bash.

- yang dibuat-buat
eg. - An affected laugh.

Affluent, loaded = Rich
- Kaya
eg. - I will be affluent in a near future.

Huckster (Inggris Amerika) = A person who uses an aggressive or annoying method to sell something.
- Orang yang suka memaksa dalam menjual barang, penjual keliling.
eg. - People hate the market beacuse a lot of hucksters there.

Push bike = Bicycle, bike
- Sepeda
eg. - Denny fell of the push bike and hurt his leg.

Oh.. my eye! = Used when you do not believe it
- Ungkapan ini untuk sesuatu yang anda tidak percayai tapi anda saksikan sendiri dengan mata anda.
eg. - It is gold, oh.. my eye!

Eyeful = Beautiful, Interesting to look at
- Cantik, indah, menarik dipandang mata
eg. - Nisha is eyeful, I can take my eyes off her.

- Berjemur
eg. The Tourists like basking under the sunshine.

Fulfil (Inggris British)
Fulfill (Inggris Amerika)
- Memenuhi
eg. - I can't fulfil your wish.

Plum job 
- Pekerjaan yang cocok
eg. - Teaching is a plum job to me.

General store
- Kedai sampah
eg. - My brother is running a general store in my town.

- Rasa yang tertinggal di lidah
eg. - I still get the aftertaste of the food.

- Harmonika
eg. The musician is playing the mouth-organ now.

Muzzy = Unable to think in a clear way, not clear
- Tidak bisa berpikir dengan jelas
eg. - A muzzy head.

Debt of  gratitude = Moral obligation
- Utang budi
eg. I hate to owe a debt of gratitude to somebody.

Cut in on
- Memotong atau menyalib dalam berkendaraan
eg. - Cut in on that car!

Pull over
- Jika seseorang mengucapkan ''pull over'' pada anda disaat anda mengendarai kendaraan, berarti anda disuruh menepi dan berhenti.
eg. - ''Pull over! pull over!'' shouted the police officer to the wild-hog.

Wild hog
- Pengendara ugal-ugalan
eg. - A lot of drivers hate a wild-hog.

Forever, for ever, for good, for keeps
- Selamanya
eg. I will live in here for good.

Forever = Very long time
- Sangat lama
eg. - It takes her forever to get dressed.

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